G Five


G-sarjan suurin malli, Genelec G Five -aktiivikaiutin, tarjoaa huomattavasti suurempiin kaiuttimiin verrattavissa olevaa äänentoistoa kauniissa kotelossa.


110 dB


32 Hz - 25 kHz (-6 dB)


H 452 x W 286 x D 278 mm, Iso-Podin kanssa™ (muunna tuumiksi)

Luonnollista voimaa

G Five-aktiivikaiuttimen bassotoisto ulottuu matalammalle kuin monissa suurissa lattiakaiuttimissa. Se tuottaa erittäin suuren maksimiäänenpaineen matalalla särötasolla. G Five toistaa kaikki lähdemateriaalin nyanssit ja dynaamiset ominaisuudet verrattoman uskollisesti.

Täydellinen sovitus

Kuten muutkin Genelec G -sarjan mallit, myös G Five tarjoaa säätöominaisuuksia kaiuttimen sovittamiseksi akustiseen ympäristöön. G Five soveltuu myös akustisesti haastaviin tiloihin ja tarjoaa niissäkin erinomaisen kuunteluelämyksen.


G Five Aktiivikaiutin valkoinen

G Five Aktiivikaiutin musta

Pakkaus sisältää:

1 x G Five aktiivikaiutin
1 x virtajohto 1,8 m
1 x käyttöohje
1 x IsoPod -pöytäjalusta



G Five Aktiivikaiutin valkoinen

G Five Aktiivikaiutin musta

Tekniset tiedot


110 dB

Vahvistimen teho

150 W Basso (AB-luokka) + 120 W Diskantti (AB-luokka)


32 Hz - 25 kHz ("-6 dB")

Taajuusvasteen tarkkuus

± 2.5 dB (38 Hz - 20 kHz)

Kaiutinelementtien mitat

205 mm Basso + 25 mm Diskantti (muunna tuumiksi)


H 452 x W 286 x D 278 mm, Iso-Podin kanssa™ (muunna tuumiksi)


14.4 kg / 31.7 lb


1 x RCA Analoginen Sisääntulo

1 x XLR Analoginen Sisääntulo


Active Crossovers

Directivity Control Waveguide (DCW™)

Intelligent Signal Sensing (ISS™)

Iso-Pod™ Stand

Minimum Diffraction Enclosure (MDE™)

Optimized Amplifiers

Protection Circuitry

Reflex Port Design

Room Response Compensation

Versatile Mountings

Kuinka yhdistää TV Genelecin kaiuttimiin?

Kuinka yhdistää streamer Genelecin kaiuttimiin?

How to choose the right speaker for Home Audio? | One Minute Masterclass Part 11

Etsi jälleenmyyjäsi

Kirjoita kenttään sijaintisi ja löydä lähin jälleenmyyjäsi.

X Rajausvaihtoehdot
Tekninen huolto
Experience Centre
SAM Certified
Smart IP Certified



Mounting your monitors with our accessories

Genelec offers you a wide variety of functional and smart mounting accessories for different installations. With our mounting equipment it is possible to mount loudspeakers, whether you are seeking monitor stands, wall mounts or ceiling mounts. Our accessories range includes floor and table stands, ceiling and wall mounts, adapters, slatwall mounts, but also flush-mounting and rack-mounting kits. For a complete overview of our accessories offering, please visit our accessories page.

Our loudspeaker models are suitable for listening any type of music

All Genelec models are designed to have neutral sound character so they can be used for monitoring and listening to any type of music. If you monitor/listen to music with high bass output SPL's containing low frequencies then physically small systems may be applicable for near field listening only, close to the monitor, and may not be able to output the lowest frequencies due to a higher system cut-off frequency. In this case we recommend a larger system for increased maximum SPL and a deeper LF cut-off frequency, or adding a subwoofer.

Genelec monitors are calibrated flat in anechoic free field conditions. When the monitor is placed in a room close to walls or other boundaries, the low frequency output of the monitor increases. To achieve a flat low frequency response an adjustment of typically -4 dB on the bass tilt control is used. Genelec also provides a bass roll-off control to compensate for any remaining excessive LF energy around the low cut-off frequency. Genelec GLM AutoCal can implement a more precise compensation after measuring the acoustic effects produced by the monitor’s installation location.

Differences in room reverberation time and listening distance can lead to changes being required in the treble region so treble tilt is fitted to most of the models in the Genelec range.

In three-way monitors and large main systems there are additional driver controls for the bass level, mid-level and treble level which enable very fine adjustment of the frequency response so that the monitors can be placed in many different listening environments, whilst still achieving a consistent and neutral sound reproduction.

The best way to set the room response controls of a Genelec monitor is by taking an acoustical measurement at the listening location, using a measurement system for those products that offer local controls (DIP switches) on the monitor or subwoofer, or by using GLM AutoCal for the SAM (Smart Active Monitoring) products.