

Kun tarvitset pienen koon, suuren äänenpaineen sekä ammattitasoisen bassonhallinnan, 7050C on erinomainen valinta.

Active Crossovers

Bass Management


103 dB


24 Hz - 85 Hz (-6 dB)


H 410 x W 350 x D 319 mm, (muunna tuumiksi)

Täydellinen yhteensopivuus

Täydellinen pari 8010, 8020 tai 8030 lähikenttämonitoreille. 7050C on täynnä uusia päivityksiä, kuten integroitu bassonhallinta, pienempi särö, uusi hakkurivirtalähde, sekä parannettu maksimiäänenpaine 103dB.

Stereo tai 5.1

Viisi sisään- ja ulostulokanavaa 85Hz jakosuodolla ja 120Hz asti ylettyvä LFE sisäänmeno soveltuu sekä monikanava- että stereokäyttöön. Laminaarinen spiraalirakenne mahdollistaa tasaisen vasteen 24Hz saakka minimoidulla säröllä. Takapaneelin DIP kytkimistä voi säätää virransäästö-ominaisuutta, subwooferin vaihetta, tasoa sekä eritasoisia hyllysäätöjä.


7050C Studiosubwoofer

Pakkaus sisältää:

1 x 7050C subwoofer
1 x virtajohto 1,8 m
1 x käyttöohje



7050C Studiosubwoofer


103 dB

Vahvistimen teho

130 W Basso (Class D)


24 Hz - 85 Hz ("-6 dB")

Kaiutinelementtien mitat

205 mm Basso (muunna tuumiksi)


H 410 x W 350 x D 319 mm, (muunna tuumiksi)


17.3 kg / 38.1 lb


6 x XLR Analoginen Sisääntulo

5 x XLR Analoginen Ulostulo


Active Crossovers

Bass Management

Laminar Spiral Enclosure (LSE™) Technology

Protection Circuitry

Optimized Amplifiers

Room Response Compensation


Genelec Calibration | Room EQ Wizard for adjusting subwoofer phase & level

Etsi jälleenmyyjäsi

Kirjoita kenttään sijaintisi ja löydä lähin jälleenmyyjäsi.

X Rajausvaihtoehdot
Tekninen huolto
Experience Centre
SAM Certified
Smart IP Certified



Connecting the 7050B Subwoofer

The 7050B subwoofer has balanced XLR IN/OUT connector pairs for five main channels and a dedicated LFE input connector for the LFE channel. Connect the signal cables from your source to the female XLR "IN" connectors on the lower connector row. Next connect XLR cables from the corresponding "OUT" male XLR connectors on the upper row to the input connectors of each 8020C monitor.

Turn the volume control knob on all 8020C’s monitors fully clockwise and switch the "Bass Roll-off" dip switch (switch 2) on all 8020C’s to "ON". This switch actuates an 85 Hz high-pass filter on the 8020C’s matching them to the main channel low-pass filter of the 7050B.

Alternatively you can connect to the 7050B a stereo pair of 8020C monitors by routing the signal cables from the source to the input connectors of the main monitors and an another pair of cables from the main monitors' output connectors to the "IN" connectors on the 7050B. In this configuration the volume controls on the main monitors affect the playback level of the 7050B too. The "Bass Roll-off" switch on the main monitors must also be switched to "ON" (switch 2).

7050b bass management faq

Why to Align a Multichannel System?

The main goal in the alignment of a multichannel system is to set the subwoofer output level the same as the sound output level of the main monitor system. The LFE output of the mixing desk or decoder should be connected to the LFE input on the subwoofer.

For the 7050B, 7060B, 7070A, 7071A, 7073A products:

The LFE input has the same sensitivity as all other signal inputs unless the ‘LFE +10 dB’ DIP switch is ON. The switch is used when there is no +10 dB gain in the LFE channel output. The switch is set to 0 dB when there is already a +10 dB additional gain in the LFE channel output.

What reference level to use?

To ensure repeatable results in the finished product, the SMPTE (Society of Motion Pictures and Television) has set standard monitoring levels for cinema post-production work. The SMPTE reference level at the listening position is 85 dB SPL, on C weighted/slow scale. The input signal to the monitors is -20 dB FS (rms) full bandwidth pink noise. The SMPTE RP200 uses an electrical reference level of -18 dB FS.

For music mixes, there are no standardized levels. The level that the engineer chooses is arbitrary and based on personal taste, as is the level chosen by the end user. The level is typically 75 dB SPL for television audio work and 75-95 dB SPL for music production work.

Manual calibration of the level and frequency response

Monitors are first calibrated to have flat response at the listening position. This is achieved by doing the following:

Calibrate the monitor frequency responses using an acoustical measuring system with the subwoofer bypassed or disconnected. Then connect the Genelec subwoofer and adjust the subwoofer level, bass roll-off and phase so that the measured combined frequency response of the subwoofer and the monitor extends flat to the LF cut-off of the subwoofer, paying special attention to the subwoofer to monitor crossover point.

Alternative level calibration methods

If acoustic measurement system is not available for aligning the system, then follow the guidelines that can be found in the operating manual for adjusting the frequency response:

Level calibration using a ⅓ octave real time analyzer, broadband pink noise and an SPL meter

Connect the Genelec 5.1 system and play broadband pink noise signal (20 Hz – 20 kHz) through the subwoofer and one of the monitors, for example the centre channel monitor. Adjust the acoustic settings in the subwoofer and monitors so that the level in each band on the RTA analyser reads the same value. Then, set the output level of each channel to give the same acoustical level at the listening position.

Level calibration using filtered pink noise and an SPL Meter

You need to have filtered pink noise to calibrate the levels of the subwoofer and the main channels. You can use a copy of the TMH Corporation 'Multichannel Studio Test Tape' that includes the various test signals required.

Pink noise filtered to a passband 500 Hz to 2 kHz is used for adjusting the monitor levels, and between the frequency range 20 Hz to 80 Hz is used for calibrating the subwoofer level. Please note: If the standard recorded level of filtered pink noises is -18 dBFSrms for SMPTE RP200's (-20 dBFSrms for SMPTE) and then the absolute level calibration can be made so that the sound level meter reads a level 2 dB lower than specified for broadband pink noise. This is because there is less energy due to band limiting of the band-pass noise.

  • Connect to monitors and play the 500 Hz to 2 kHz filtered pink noise. Set the SPL Meter to C-weighting and slow reading. Adjust each main channel individually to have the same SPL level at the listening position.
  • Play 20 to 80 Hz filtered pink noise through the subwoofer. The correct adjustment gives a reading 3dB lower than the one for the monitors because the C weighting lowers the reading in the SPL meter at those frequencies. If there is no HP filter in the SPL meter then the reading should be the same as for the monitors.


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